Muzeum G. J. Osiakowskich w Kaliszu
The museum is situated on the edge of the former Jewish quarter. You can see exhibits from the times of the Polish People's Republic and exhibitions commemorating the occupation of Kalisz in 1939-1945. In various rooms of the museum, visitors will find mapped interiors of places such as an old pharmacy, a colonial shop or a shoemaker and carpenter's workshop.
All information and descriptions were valid until February 12, 2024. and come from the Attraction website. If you want to visit this Attraction, check the current details on the organizer's website, which is linked below. is not the organizer of the event.
ul. Garbarska 2
62-800, Kalisz
Pon. Nieczynne
Wt. - Pt. 11:00 - 15:00
Sb. 11:00 - 14:00
Nd. 11:00 - 13:00
wg cennika
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